Support and Accountability–Don’t Go It Alone

support and accountability

The Value of a Support and Accountability System

The old adage, “no man is an island,” certainly rings true when it comes to setting goals. Even the most strong and independent people can benefit from a bit of help along the path to success. Having a person or a tribe to lean on can make the tough journey seem so much easier to bear. Support and accountability can make the difference between giving up on a hard day and pushing through to achieve your goals.

Let me share some of the reasons a support system can be so valuable to your success.  Then you can decide just what type of assistance you may need and who should make up your cheerleading squad.


Having even one person to cheer you along can make a world of difference to your outlook. When you’re feeling down, those words of encouragement are both motivational and encouraging. Having someone say they believe in you is a powerful thing, especially when your belief in yourself is dwindling. Connection and support are basic human needs, particularly during times of change or struggle.


Support and encouragement are crucial to achieving your goals. Without support, your successes can be really lonely or hollow. Sharing both your achievements and your challenges with someone provides you with a sounding board of encouragement that makes it easier to move onto the next hurdle or goal post.


Sometimes a support system can actually be a source of practical information you need to help you reach your destination. Seek out experts, coaches, knowledgeable friends, or others who can answer the tough questions for you and provide you with the resources you need to complete your task. Even if it’s possible for you to find the answers on your own, getting help from those who know can make more sense and greatly improve your chances of success.


We’ve touched on this aspect before. It’s an important one, so let’s address it once more. Having a support and accountability system can help to motivate you and keep you on track. Asking a close friend, mentor, or even a professional coach to serve as your accountability partner can increase your odds of accomplishing your goal because it forces you to check in and to be aware of your progress.

A journal can also help with holding yourself accountable. That’s one of the biggest benefits I get from using my This Is the Life I Choose Goals Planner and Journal that I shared recently. Request a free 2-week sampler here.


Finally, a support system provides you with much-needed compassion. These people give you a safe place to land when you’re feeling discouraged. They’ll listen with empathy when you struggle. You can lean on them and know they won’t judge you. Experiencing compassion from others when you’re struggling lets you know you’re not alone and takes a bit of the burden off your shoulders.

Now do you see why it’s so important to find your tribe when you’re working toward a goal? Your support system can make that space between what’s possible and impossible seem much smaller. There’s no need to go it alone.

If I can be of help, please let me know!