Sentences for Dictation for Spelling Placement and Informal Reading Assessment

Vocabulary Development

If you have any reading concerns, I would recommend using a separate copy for each of your kids to record their errors as they read aloud to you from the reading copy prior to using the sentences for spelling assessment. Make a note of anything they read other than what is printed. I suggest underlining any group of words, words, or parts of words they repeat (as many times as they repeat it), noting what they said instead of what was written, as well as noting ‘sc’ for self-correct (after noting the initial error) for any they fix themselves without a prompt. I use an ‘o’ to indicate where they omitted a word and an ^ with any words they added.

The first 100 dictation sentences, which cover lessons 1-18 in Wings to Soar Spelling Foundations will allow us to assess short vowels, blends, open syllables, and silent e patterns, as well as 90 sight words. The words tested in these 100 dictation sentences make up over 60% of words used in written English. The next 18 lessons focus on common vowel teams and r- controlled patterns, as well as an additional 90 high frequency sight words. By the end of this level students will have over 71% of the words used in written English. All words covered in Wings to Soar Spelling Foundations are assessed in the following dictation sentences.

We recommend doing dictation for up to 10 minutes per day getting through as many (or as few sentences) as is appropriate for your student at one time. When your student has 40-60 words they have misspelled, we have probably found a good placement level. We will create customized lists for your student from those 40-60 words in Spelling and Vocabulary City and then place them into the appropriate lists from the rest of Wings to Soar Spelling Foundations after that.

As you dictate each sentence, have the student repeat it back verbatim before they begin to write it down. If they cannot accurately spell the words in the sentence context they need to be practiced with the multisensory practice suggestions to get them firmly into long term memory and available for rapid retrieval.

If your student wants to make a change, have them cross out what they originally wrote and rewrite it, so you can see the initial spelling and their self-correction. It would be wise to include these words that are not yet automatic in their Customized Remedial Spelling lists.

If you choose to use the Wings to Soar Customized Remedial Spelling program, send us a list of your student’s 40-60 misspelled words one word per line either in an email, Google or Word Document, or in Google Sheet or Excel. Then we can set up their custom lists in Spelling and Vocabulary City to get them started.

The cost for this option is $35 for the first student and $30 for each additional student. If your student just needs to start back at the beginning of our Wings to Soar Spelling Foundations, or at the kindergarten level, the cost is $25 for the first student and $20 for each additional student.

If you are interested in our Wings to Soar Customized Spelling option based on the results of this assessment, please contact Beth Ellen Nash or request the Spelling Dictation Sentences through Free Assessment.

Lessons 1-4

You said the man can do a handstand.

An ant ran and landed at the map.

I am a sad cat.

Pass his hat to the man if it is in its big bag.

Who will do it to him?

What did the six men do with his dog?

Get set to run into the sun and sit in the wind.

Ten men cut up its rug.

Did Miss Pam win yet?

The hot dog was not on top of the log.

There were ten men on the job.

Yes, Mom got red, for it was hot.

You are up here with us.

When can you or I jump off?

Cut that rag; then rub them with it.

It was bad, but not as bad as this.

It is less hot here than where you are.


Lessons 5-7

They asked their mom if she could be by the well with them.

When she asked, “Why?” a small one told her.

“If my ball falls in the well, you could hold my hand.

I could go in and get it.”

He should be by me so we could fly in the sky.

“No one should go by the tall wall,” the thin old man called.

The fact is, almost all kids cry for help.

Some call less than most.

Someone should have kept them from the cold.

They left their sand to dry.

It is next to the front post.

We felt we should send help.

He went to live in the end hut by himself.

I will give you a job if you can act well.

When it was done, they sold the cold rolls.

I was in the hut you were on.


Lessons 8-10

Many little ships plan to slip through the long shed.

Once they get past the last post, any club can fly its flag.

As the king sings a long song, many sing along.

Bring the thing to class, then plant it in a glass.

Clap for the best nest.

I am very glad they only shut both shops.

Did anything flat get set in the chest?

Nothing much.

The bank man has much lung strength.

He can sing with the rest of them.

Did anyone think to thank him for the pink drink?

Which is the best test?

It must cost so much that only the rich can have it.

What he did just lost my trust.

Such dust must not last.

The loss of the ship called “West Wind” was very sad.


Lessons 11-14

He slipped on a wet rock.

Then he tripped on that branch.

Your class is planning to plant some grass.

Both little and very great people can be your friends.

She dropped the dress into the wash water.

I want to wind your black clock.

I saw his tricks, because I watched behind his back.

I smell the crops drying in the sun.

I find he still draws with very much skill.

The stock truck is stuck.

Thick mud is on the track.

Stick the stack of black blocks in back.

Knock at the staff stand to check for snacks.

Stop stepping on branches.

You are snapping them.

Slip this band on your wrist.

You can get box lunches at the snack shack.

Brush the crushed glass into six boxes.

What kind of mind wishes for quizzes?

Swimming for a spell can cause you to get wet.

The sled crashed inches from this spot.

The law is, “You cannot trap fish in the spring.”

Quick! Spend your film filming that truck when it crashes.

The fly buzzes by the strong smell.

They dragged the wrong trunk to the dump.

Drop the trash in that drum.

They were very prompt.

Get fresh string to drag your sled.


Lessons 15-18

It is not quite time to take the plane ride.

They would like to make nine more rules.

Who can give those seven people a ride home.

They live close to the family.

Write two whole sentences on these lines.

I sing while I work alone at the store.

My wife works more inside the home.

I hope you made a sale.

That is a fine cape.

She wrote a joke in the note.

Time is against us.

Use some of the next hour to bake the cake.

It is also safe again.

Take care of yourself until Mom gets there.

A smile is worth a hundred words.

Live your life and have fun.

The problem with the world is there is no time to change things.

Share a taste of your shake with me.

I vote for more hours to write our jokes.

Take a huge bite of the white cake.

It is eight miles to the state line.

The whole class saw the rope rise up.

It was beside the wide trunk.

Use the same rate.

The base camp is on the left side of the lake.

State your name.

Who came late to the game?

He takes pride in his bike.

Rise and shine!

What are the words to that tune?

Come to my side of the lake.

Lessons 19-22

Go to your music stand.

It is always at your place on the stage.

The stage lights might be bright on opening night.

Begin at the beginning.

Fight the stage fright you might feel at the sight of all the people.

Do this, even before you open to page one,

Face the people and smile.

If you wish to run away, wave to your friends.

What did you do in the space backstage?

They gave you high fives as you came on stage.

They say opening night may be rough.

Since music is the love of your life, you will be tough enough.

Do it once the music begins

You would not trade places with anyone for the whole world.

Above all, save time to stay in shape.

I seem to feel the need to sleep for a week.

Keep playing the way you played today.

Playing live music with your friends does make you happy.

Maybe you need to pray between acts

Who says the price is not high.

You have been gone a long time.

He drives a nice sized truck.

It even goes on ice.

Meet me among the trees across the street.

Three gray trays lay between the green trees.

Three is a funny age.

Long ago, males loved to be seen.

When the plant is ripe, it is time to pick the plums.


Lessons 23-25

Speak out about things that mean something to you.

Sounds that are clear may appear to be near.

Mrs. White also teaches reading.

You often appear to repeat words, dear.

There was a reason.

 Mr. Green will lead his class to the sea.

If they eat their treat there, they can beat the heat.

At least the teacher is loud enough to hear.

To whom do you wish to speak?

Nouns are words that name people, places or things

The clear stream runs without a sound.

It is just outside the house.

A pound is not the same amount as an ounce.

I have often found it.

It is easy to reach the South Seas in a year.

Whose move is it, Miss Ann?

It is really easy to teach people who are ready.

Push the round ball toward the tot.

At least put the pretty bell where you will not lose it.

I found a real deal on ground meat.

Prove to me that he means to leave us here.


Lessons 26-30

The young child was never together with her brothers and sisters.

She did not know her own father and mother.

Every member of the family worked at different jobs.

Although they were interesting, I do not ever remember

understanding her answers.

Show why verbs form an important part of every story.

Consider whether whatever comes really matters.

Discover whether another center serves dinner later.

Perhaps several persons can enter together.

I wonder why summer is different than winter.

Everything makes a difference whenever you exercise.

Wild goats and other animals form a large part of the farm.

The farmer offered him a hard job.

Observe the characters in the story now.

Then, do it further after he gets a better offer.

We usually have a mild winter.

A river flows under the ice and snow.

The truck was loaded with oranges. It followed the road to the coast.

Eight is the perfect number of persons to have for a party.

Underline all the verbs in the paper.

Start at the far corner.

Mark the paper with a large silver star.

Though the danger is low, do not forget to record it on the yellow chart.

A star is born every hour.

A full row boat floats past the house.

It is  below the low window.

Order him to throw the silver coat out.

The poor horse ate the corn.

It was  on the floor in the corner by the north door.

The yard and garden are picture perfect.

Park the large dark car far from the art department.

Cover your arms with soap.


Lessons 31-33

Too few knew the true story about the school food.

However, the town would have to shut the pool down now.

A dead cow was found floating in the pool

That was early last month.

A newspaper told the whole city about it.

A new boy pointed out how a cow in the pool was not cool.

You walked at the head of the youth group.

The body of the group talked about money.

You already knew the blue tie did not go with the brown suit.

Take half a minute to study the need for power in this room.

Flowers grew early due to the warm months this spring.

It is too soon to choose a new room.

Allow me to carry the Moon Pies into the country.

Go ahead and spread the fruit jam on your bread.

I heard you want to learn about the early earth.

Write the vowels across the top of your paper.

Join in the boy’s joy as he enjoys the new toy.

My choice is to shoot the oil can.

You should let the lie die.

Shall I pull the loose tooth?

A spoon is not the right tool to dig under a tree root.

Keep your eye on the chalk.

His voice could be heard down in the town.

I read the paper yesterday.


Lessons 34-36

Although they’ve lived in the United States of America for many years,

they don’t speak good English.

They’ve explained the remaining details.

She doesn’t like the purple bird.

I’m not afraid of pain.

They’re painting the main sail.

They’ll take the mail train across the plain.

They haven’t fought in days.

They wouldn’t buy the pair of wood chairs.

They’d thought they’d bought some straight backed chairs already.

Doesn’t the air feel like it will rain?

Weren’t the stair rails painted purple?

I’ll praise the girl’s cooking skills.

(Teacher note: There are two uses of the apostrophe. In a contraction, it shows where something is missing. This use of the apostrophe (‘) shows possession of something.)

Don’t wait to look for a good book.

You’d gain the praise of many if you returned to church.

I can’t wait to hook my first fish.

Sir, you’ve failed to be fair during your turn.

Aren’t you nailing the wood on the stairs?

Your brain won’t hurt.

You raise your foot and put it on a chair.

We’re going to her third birthday party.

His hair stood on end.